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The Definitive Reference To Why Maybe Is Better Than Null

16 Apr 2013

This article is divided into two parts: Explanation and FAQ. The explanation shows the reasons why a bunch of people think Maybe is way more useful than null. The FAQ is a list of my responses to common arguments I’ve seen about the shortcomings of Maybe.

I’m going to try to not go overboard with details here - my aim is to make it accessible to as many programmers as possible, not to be as thorough as possible.



Tony Hoare, the inventor of null, has gone on record calling it his ‘billion-dollar mistake’. So what should replace it?

Maybe, at its core, is a construct that allows programmers to move null checks into the type system, so they can be enforced at compile-time. Instead of forgetting to deal with a null check and finding out with an exception at run-time, you forget to deal with a null check and find out with an error at compile-time, before anyone else even sees it! And that’s not just some null checks, that’s all of them!


There are two components to an environment free of null pointer exceptions:

  1. The elimination of null. This means that all types (even reference types!) become non-nullable.
  2. An alternative representation for the idea of “may contain an empty or invalid value”. This is what Maybe is for.

So how does Maybe accomplish this, and how does it achieve all those benefits listed above? It’s actually very straightforward.

I’m going to explain this in object-oriented terms, because if you’re already familiar with algebraic data types odds are you already know about Maybe too. Anyway, think of Maybe<T> as an interface with a single type parameter that has exactly two implementing classes: Just<T> and Nothing. The Just<T> class wraps a value of some other type and the Nothing class doesn’t. There are a variety of methods provided by Maybe to extract the value safely, but I’m going to omit these for now, as they’re not the point. When you receive an object of type Maybe<String> (for example) you now have the type system helping you out, telling you “there might be a String here but it might be empty”. You can’t perform operations on the String until you’ve safely extracted it and made a choice about what to do in the case that its empty.

By itself (without point #1) this is nice but not fantastic. The benefit really kicks in when you also have non-nullable types. It simplifies the 80% of the cases that don’t involve null and gives significance and meaning to the times when you do deal with objects wrapped in Maybe<T>. It lets you say both “I know that this value will literally never be null” and “It is immediately obvious to me that I need to handle the case of an empty value here”.


It’s not that dealing with any given instance of null is particularly hard, it’s that it is so easy to miss one. Removing this concern and encoding the information in the type system means programmers have less things to keep track of and simplifies control flow across the entire program. Like with memory management: when you don’t have to keep track of it manually it is just plain easier to write code. More importantly, it is easier to write more robust code. For all programmers, not just the experienced or talented.

And that is something I am firmly in favour of. A product is never the result of a single person’s code - everything has dependencies. Improvements to other people’s code benefit all of us.


There are two more points I’d like to address about Maybe that are separate from actually explaining why it is useful.

First, I’ve been a bit inaccurate on purpose when just referring to this idea as Maybe. There is an implementation of this idea in Haskell called Maybe, but implementations in different languages have different names.

  • ML, Scala, F#, Rust: Option
  • Fantom, Kotlin: ? appended to type
  • C#: Nullable or ? appended to type

Second, not all languages with Maybe have non-nullable types. This makes Maybe less valuable in those environments (since you lose the very useful “I know this value will never contain null” guarantee”) and ends up confusing people who are skeptical of Maybe’s benefits.

To help clarify this: I agree that in a language where you don’t have the guarantee provided by non-nullable types, Maybe just isn’t as useful. But it is not useless either and depending on the environment may still provide some benefit.


Posts like these are tricky. To explain something understandably and (relatively) concisely I can’t qualify every statement and address all the holes inline. Here is where I’ll address the bits I skipped as well as some common sentiments I’ve previously seen on this topic.

I have made each headline a link as well so each question/answer combo can be linked to individually.

  1. Maybe isn’t the be-all end-all.
  2. My IDE plugin already does this.
  3. NPEs are the proper response to a missing value you forgot to consider.
  4. The real problem is people not properly reasoning about their functions.
  5. What if a value cannot have any meaningful default value?
  6. So you’re still testing against null, except that it’s called Nothing.
  7. I think the safe navigation operator in Groovy etc. is better than Maybe.
  8. What about Fantom & Kotlin?
  9. But Option in Scala DOESN’T save you from null!
  10. Safety ISN’T guaranteed because of the existence of unsafe extraction methods.
  11. Using Maybe is not worth the overhead.
  12. Enough vague, high-level information. Show me some examples!

Maybe isn't the be-all end-all.

I definitely agree. For one thing, I haven’t even mentioned Either! This article is for people who aren’t even convinced of the benefits of Maybe yet. In order to get my point across effectively I want to avoid overwhelming the reader with information, so I restricted the topics brought up here.

If you want a higher level perspective on this issue, take a look at dmbarbour’s view:

There are two mistakes. One mistake is providing a 'sum' type (eqv. to Just Object | Nothing) without recognition of the typechecker. The other mistake is joining this sum type at the hip with the idea of references, such that you cannot have one without the other.

These mistakes may, and I suspect should, be resolved independently. Thinking there's just one mistake, and thus just one language feature to solve it, might very well be a third mistake.

Beautifully stated! This is a much more general (and elegant) way to look at it. It’s a somewhat harder sentiment to communicate effectively to a lot of people though.

My IDE plugin already does this.

Yes, there are some IDEs and plugins that provide limited null reference analysis. The key though, is that it is limited. As far as I know (and I’ve looked) none of them provide the same system-wide elimination of null that encoding it in the type-system can guarantee.

And so, you still don’t get the same reassurances of “I know this value will literally never be null” and “It is immediately obvious that I have to handle the case of an empty value here”.

NPEs are the proper response to a missing value you forgot to consider. You should be notified when something goes wrong, not hide it with Maybe.

I’ve got good news for you - we fundamentally agree in our approach to how errors should be handled! You might have seen some bad examples of Maybe usage, since proper usage would lead to these errors being caught even earlier than a NullPointerException would have.

You can still choose to do the equivalent of if (null) return; and some examples will do that, because it makes sense to do in some contexts. What matters is that Maybe forces you to think about it at the time of writing the code, and to be explicit about it.

Instead of you being notified when things go wrong, Maybe forces you to think things through in the first place and make an explicit choice about what to do (at least as far as possibly empty values are concerned).

And finally, for those of you who really love exceptions, implementations of Maybe usually provide an unsafe retrieval method, so you can replicate the behaviour of null (run-time exceptions and all) if that is what you choose to do.

The real problem is people not properly reasoning about their functions, that isn't the fault of null.

Sure, that is one way to look at it: it’s not null’s fault, it is the programmer’s fault. If you take this view then null is just one of the tools used to represent emptiness and invalid values. But it isn’t a very good tool, or at least not as good as it could be.

Maybe is a tool that fills the same gap as null but is much more helpful to programmers. It helps directly address the core problem of “people not properly reasoning about their functions” by pointing out mistakes in reasoning earlier. With it you can statically verify that all null checks are made, and eliminate an entire class of run-time errors.

I’m not claiming it is a silver bullet, but it is a better tool.

Null is meaningful! What if a value cannot have any meaningful default value?

Then either wait until it has a meaningful value to put in it or wrap it in Maybe and give it a value of Nothing. That’s what Maybe is for - To provide a type-checkable alternative to null!

So you're still testing against null, except that it's called Nothing. What have we gained?

We have gained earlier detection of an entire class of errors! Now if there is a missed check for an empty value you will find out at compile-time rather than run-time. Using Maybe forces you to be explicit about possibly-empty values and deal with the case where they are empty.

The user doesn’t see any null reference exceptions, they are all fixed before they even get outside the developer’s computer.

I think the safe navigation operator in Groovy/Kotlin/Fantom/CoffeeScript is better than Maybe.

I’m going to talk about Kotlin and Fantom separately in the next section because they’re special.

In Groovy/CoffeeScript, the safe navigation operator (?.) lets you safely call a method or access a field on an object that may be null. If the object IS null then the method/field just returns null as well, instead of an exception being thrown.

I agree that the safe navigation operator is certainly convenient but it is solving a different problem. If you compare it directly to Maybe, it’s only solving the ‘retrieve value from possibly empty object’ part of Maybe. This is a nice thing to have, but isn’t nearly as interesting as moving a whole class of run-time exceptions to compile-time.

Which is fine, it doesn’t have to be as good as Maybe to still be useful. Just don’t misrepresent it as being anything more than a convenient syntax for null checks.

What about Fantom & Kotlin?

Fantom and Kotlin are different because they are both languages that have non-nullable reference types and have built Maybe in as a language feature. In both languages (Fantom, Kotlin), you can distinguish a reference that may hold null by appending a ? to its type (i.e. String?). The compiler can then keep track of it as if it were a Maybe<String> and is able to prevent you from unsafely accessing its contents. They provide safe navigation and elvis operators to extract the value like Groovy does.

This is probably where opinions will start to differ among people who think Maybe is a good idea.

I personally am thrilled by the steps Fantom and Kotlin have taken and think that they are a great solution to eliminating null reference exceptions. They use the fact that they’ve implemented it as a language feature to provide really convenient and easy to understand syntax. So easy to understand, in fact, that it might not be obvious that it is the same damn thing as Maybe. The only differences are that Fantom and Kotlin have a special syntax for it baked in, and that (in exchange) it is a little bit more limited than Maybe as a library is.

The only downsides to this approach are related to the fact that it is specialized. When you stretch against the limits of Maybe you can’t drop in Either instead. You also can’t wrap Maybes in another Maybe (Maybe<Maybe<String>>), which you might do when you have nested calls that could fail.

I can’t speak to how often this ends up being an issue for people working in Fantom/Kotlin and what alternatives the language provides because, frankly, I am pretty unfamiliar with them. If anyone with experience would like to speak up I’d be happy to add their information to this section.

But Option in Scala DOESN'T save you from null!

Yes, in Scala you can still get NullPointerExceptions. Scala doesn’t have non-nullable reference types because Martin Odersky (for what were probably good reasons - I’m guessing related to java interop) decided to include null in his language. That doesn’t invalidate all the other implementations of Maybe and it doesn’t mean it can’t still be somewhat useful in Scala.

Feel free to point out to people that Scala’s implementation of Option still allows for NullPointerExceptions, just don’t generalize it to “Maybe and Option aren’t useful”.

Safety ISN'T guaranteed because of the existence of unsafe extraction methods.

Often implementations of Maybe will include more than just safe extraction methods. Haskell’s fromJust and Scala’s get are both retrieval functions that throw runtime errors if the value wrapped in Maybe doesn’t exist. Just like how null usually works.

So it is possible to shoot yourself in the foot if you want to. The difference is you have to explicitly ask for this behaviour, it cannot sneak in by accident.

Whenever I claim Maybe can move null reference exceptions to compile-time, it comes with the assumption that you’re using the built-in safe extraction methods and that you’re not requesting run-time exceptions.

Using Maybe is not worth the overhead.

This is a hard question to answer without getting specific. If this was said about a specific language or kind of application and the person saying it has done their due diligence or has some working code to back it up, then I can’t address that here.

If it is a less qualified statement however, I have some counterpoints that I can share.

1. Bugs are expensive, even more so the later on they are caught.

It takes developer time to find and fix bugs - the more bugs the more time it takes. For each bug, overhead is introduced in the form of finding, tracking, fixing, and testing it. Worse, bugs that make it all the way to production impact your users and can have even more expensive consequences like data corruption. For some applications small amounts of bug-related downtime could cost thousands (or millions!) of dollars.

This is the whole reason why we have test suites, type systems, static analysis tools, code reviews, even exceptions! We want to catch bugs earlier.

Maybe lets you catch one of the most common bugs, null reference exceptions, at compile-time instead of run-time. So if you say ‘it is not worth the overhead’, think about what null reference exceptions are costing you first, and make sure you really do know how much it is worth.

Unless… you are one of those lucky few who says that null reference exceptions really are just not an issue for you. Maybe your other bug prevention measures combined are good enough and when you tracked your faults you found you don’t end up dealing with null reference exceptions very much. For you guys, keep in mind that you are probably not in the majority.

2. There might not be as much syntactic overhead as you think. In many cases it actually reduces overhead.

Languages that provide Maybe usually provide many convenient ways to extract values which are actually often shorter than the null checks you would otherwise be writing. On top of that, code that doesn’t deal with possibly-empty values doesn’t need to use Maybe (or check for null!) at all.

Check out the examples section below and see for yourself what code that uses Maybe looks like.

For those of you that are talking about having to mark too many properties as optional and having to deal with Maybe everywhere, think about it like this: You would have had to deal with the same amount of possibly-empty values either way, the only difference is that now you have the compiler helping you out. If your code is meant to be robust it will need null checks anyway. For the cost of adding a little wrapper around your types you can replace those easy-to-forget null checks with their equivalent compiler-checked Maybe extraction methods.

You also get perfect safety and ease of mind when dealing with values that cannot logically be empty.

Enough vague, high-level information. Show me some examples!

I intentionally avoided showing examples in the explanation section to avoid taking attention away from the main points. For a topic like this one, as soon as you show some code it is like sticking a bikeshedding magnet right in the middle of your article. But since this post is aiming to be a definitive reference, it could use at least a few examples.

Another measure I am going to be taking to avoid stirring up unnecessary arguments is comparing like with like. I will show a scenario where null checks are used to deal with an empty value in a certain way, then I will show what that example would look like in a language with good support for Maybe.

The languages I picked are:

  • Java: to represent the traditional ways of handling nulls that most people are hopefully familiar with.
  • Kotlin: to represent languages with non-nullable references and support for Maybe baked into the language.
  • Haskell: to represent languages with non-nullable references and support for Maybe as a library.

The scenarios follow:

Dealing with it explicitly


public static void retrieveInfoExplicit() {
    String information = new Random().nextInt(2) == 0 ? "a,b,c" : null;

    if (information == null) {
        System.out.println("No information received.");
    } else {


fun retrieveInfoExplicit() : Unit {
    val information = if (Random().nextInt(2) == 0) "a,b,c" else null

    if (information == null)
        println("No information received.")
        safeParseInfo(information) forEach { println(it) }


retrieveInfoExplicit :: IO ()
retrieveInfoExplicit = do
    num <- randomRIO (0, 1)
    let information = if (num :: Int) == 0 then (Just "a,b,c") else Nothing
    case information of
        Nothing -> putStrLn "No information retrieved."
        Just i -> putStrLn $ show $ safeParseInfo i

Dealing with it implicitly


public void retrieveInfo() {
    String information = Random().nextInt(2) == 0 ? "a,b,c" : null


fun retrieveInfo() : Unit {
    val information = if (Random().nextInt(2) == 0) "a,b,c" else null
    parseInfo(information)?.forEach { println(it) }


retrieveInfo :: IO ()
retrieveInfo = do
    num <- randomRIO (0, 1)
    let information = if (num :: Int) == 0 then (Just "a,b,c") else Nothing
    putStrLn $ show $ parseInfo information

Returning null as well (e.g. guard statements)


public String[] parseInfo(String information) {
    if (information == null) {
        return null;

    return information.split(",");


// Can choose to imitate java...
fun parseInfo(information : String?) : Array<String>? {
    if (information == null) {
        return null

    return information.split(",")

// ...Or take advantage of the safe navigation operator
fun parseInfo(information : String?) : Array<String>? {
    return information?.split(",")


-- Can do it with pattern matching...
parseInfo :: Maybe String -> Maybe [String]
parseInfo Nothing = Nothing
parseInfo (Just information) = Just (splitOn "," information)

-- ...Or with do notation...
parseInfo :: Maybe String -> Maybe [String]
parseInfo information = do i <- information
                            Just (splitOn "," i)

-- ...Or with fmap
parseInfo :: Maybe String -> Maybe [String]
parseInfo information = fmap (splitOn ",") information

Giving something a default value


String name = (author == null) ? "Anonymous" : author;


val name = author ?: "Anonymous"


let name = fromMaybe "Anonymous" author

Throwing an exception


public String[] parseInfo(String information) {
    return information.split(",");


fun parseInfo(information : String?) : Array<String> {
    return information!!.split(",")


parseInfo :: Maybe String -> Maybe [String]
parseInfo information = Just (splitOn "," (fromJust information))

Not having to check for null

Java: Does not have this option, you always have to deal with null.


// note: no ? appended to types
fun safeParseInfo(information : String) : Array<String> {
    return information.split(",")


-- and these types are not wrapped in Maybe
safeParseInfo :: String -> [String]
safeParseInfo information = splitOn "," information

The nice thing about this last example is that if the code changes and this function now needs to be called with a value that might be null, the code won’t compile until the developer has revisited safeParseInfo and explicitly chosen to deal with null in one of the ways shown above.

In case you want to run the examples yourself:

  • The Java examples import java.util.Arrays and java.util.Random
  • The Kotlin examples import java.util.Random
  • The Haskell examples import System.Random, Data.List.Split, and Data.Maybe

That’s it, that’s the end of both the FAQ and this article. Hope you enjoyed it!

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