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Seven Languages: Week 3 (Prolog) - Day 2

17 Jul 2012

Day 2 of Prolog really emphasized its declarative aspects for me. Writing Prolog well requires you to think differently about the way you approach the problem. Yes, given enough time you can hack something together (I’ve sure proven that!), but you can get a lot more out of it by learning to structure your thoughts to fit the way Prolog works. All languages are like this to some extent, and this isn’t a bad thing. The difference is in degree - existing imperative and functional programming thought patterns help a lot less in Prolog.

So what, in short, makes it so different? Putting aside my impulse to immediately whip out some code samples, I think characterizing it like this is an accurate enough high level summary for now:

  • Imperative programming: you state what steps you want the machine to perform
  • Functional programming: you state what operations you want to apply to some data
  • Logic programming: you state what goals will make this rule true

Like my other experiences so far with Prolog, Day 2 was a mix of “this is brilliant!” and “this is incredibly frustrating”. It is possible to do some really cool things with Prolog (and other logic languages like Curry, Mercury, and Oz. Also Datalog and constraint solving libraries, which I am covering in Day 3), but it has some decently sized stumbling blocks as well:


  • Resources for someone learning Prolog are sparse, even compared to a very new language like Io. When looking for documentation you can quickly find yourself reading academic papers. While these are interesting they are not especially useful when I just want to know more about list syntax or how to use higher order functions.

  • As an aside, it turns out Prolog does in fact have higher order function equivalents (or should I say higher order rules?). I didn’t actually know about this until I came back to write this post after doing the exercises .


  • You have an almost absolute lack of help when something goes wrong with your Prolog program.

  • Many syntax errors don’t give you much information as to what you’ve phrased incorrectly, leaving you to go back to your program and try tweaking things that look off. For someone who has already internalized the syntax I am sure this isn’t an issue, but for people still learning it can be quite frustrating. One example of something that gave me a hard time was ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated. That cryptic message is literally the only information you get: no line numbers, rule names, or any other hints.

  • More serious than syntax is trying to fix logical errors. It was common for me to have a program with some small flaw and just get back false. when attempting to run it. It is hard to pick apart exactly what went wrong. Prolog is a little bit famous for this.

Recursion used to be on this list, but most of the issues I had turned out to really be a lack of knowledge on my part. It was difficult for me to acquire that knowledge though, so I am going to document the parts that gave me the most trouble here in hopes I can save some future programmer a bit of time.

(This article is part of a series of posts I am doing about my journey through the exercises of the book Seven Languages In Seven Weeks. The article previous to this one is Week 3 (Prolog) - Day 1. For an overview see the Seven Languages project page.)

Topics covered

Day 2 of Prolog went over lists, unification, and recursion.

I am going to write about these topics with a focus on the problems I encountered while trying to write solutions to the exercises (and another simple program that calculated combinations).


Most of the trouble I had with lists was centered around the cons syntax for lists that is so useful in pattern matching. In Haskell, this looks like (x:xs), (x:y:tail), or even (x:y:z:[]). When I first learned this syntax in Prolog I didn’t have enough examples to form a correct mental model of the way it worked.

So, here are bunch of valid examples of constructing lists.

Basic examples:

[X, Y, Z]           % normal list syntax - list of three elements

[X|Xs]              % basic use of cons operator - divide list into head (X) and tail (Xs)

[X|[]]              % appending an empty list to a single item gives you a list with one element
[X]                 % a shorter way to express having a list with a single element

[X, Y]              % list with two and only two elements - regular syntax
[X|[Y|[]]]          % same - using full cons syntax
[X|[Y]]             % same - without the unnecessary empty list concatenation

[X, Y, Z]           % list with three and only three elements - regular syntax
[X|[Y|[Z]]]         % same - using cons syntax
[X, Y|[Z]]          % same - using simplified cons syntax

But it doesn’t make sense to use cons syntax to do what regular list syntax already expresses better. Here are some more interesting examples that make use of the strengths of cons syntax:

[X|[Y|Ys]]        % list with at least two elements (X and Y), bind the rest of the list to Ys
[X, Y|Ys]         % same - using simplified cons syntax

[_|[_|Tail]]      % list with at least two elements, don't bind names to first two elements, bind the rest to Tail
[_, _|Tail]       % same - using simplified cons syntax

[X|[Y|[Z|_]]]     % list with at least three elements, discard the tail
[X, Y, Z|_]       % same - using simplified cons syntax

To cement these, here are some concrete examples of pattern matching with lists:

?- [a, b, c, d] = [X|Xs].           % X = a, Xs = [b, c, d].
?- [a, b, c, d] = [X|_].            % X = a.
?- [a, b, c, d] = [_|Xs].           % Xs = [b, c, d].

?- [a, b, c, d] = [W, X, Y, Z].     % W = a, X = b, Y = c, Z = d. 
?- [a, b, c, d] = [W|[X|[Y|[Z]]].   % W = a, X = b, Y = c, Z = d. 

?- [a, b, c, d] = [W, X, Y].        % false.
?- [a, b, c, d] = [W, X|Y].         % W = a, X = b, Y = [c, d].

?- [a, b, c, d] = [W, X|Y].         % W = a, X = b, Y = [c, d]. 
?- [a, b, c, d] = [_, X|Y].         % X = b, Y = [c, d].
?- [a, b, c, d] = [W, _|Y].         % W = a, Y = [c, d].
?- [a, b, c, d] = [W, X|_].         % W = a, X = b.


UPDATE: Turns out I had a massive misunderstanding about what unification was. I had conflated it with a number of other concepts that combined together form Prolog’s execution model. I’ve removed what I wrote about unification and may some day do a follow-up article on Prolog’s execution model.

The logic programming difference

So what does having that fancy execution model really mean? To demonstrate the difference it can make I am going to show you the same function written in three different languages and three different styles. I’ve picked the append function (append one list to another list) which is a great example, even though it’s been explained many times before. In the comments on my last post actually, Daniel Lyons gave a nice demonstration of append in Prolog, and it is an example Bruce Tate spends a couple pages on as well.

Imperative (Javascript)

function append (xs, ys) {
    var result = xs.slice(0),

    for (i = 0; i < ys.length; i++) {

    return result;

The most straightforward implementation of append. Callers would use it like so:

var list = append([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]);
// list is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Nothing fancy here! This essentially duplicates the existing concat method in javascript.

Functional (Haskell)

append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append [] ys = ys
append (x:xs) ys = x : append xs ys

A basic recursive implementation of append. Once again, it is straightforward to use:

list = append [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]
-- list is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Now that we’re in Haskell, we can of course easily take advantage of partial application and write things like:

appendList1 = append [1, 2, 3]
list2 = appendList1 [4, 5, 6]
-- list2 is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
list3 = appendList1 [1, 2, 3]
-- list3 is [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

But this function still just appends one list to another. It’s the same as the built in ++ function, and basically equivalent to the previous javascript example.

Logic-based (Prolog)

append([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs]) :- append(Xs,Ys,Zs).

At first glance, this function is just like the previous two. Note how similar it is to the Haskell example in particular, since it too is just a simple recursive function. It can be used like so:

?- append([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], List).
List = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

With Prolog it is sometimes accurate to look at a rule as a function with the parameters being (param1, param2, return value). If you look at the example above in this way it gives you an accurate, but limited picture of this rule. With unification, you could just as easily look at this rule as (param1, return value, param2), like so:

?- append([1, 2, 3], List, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).
List = [4, 5, 6].

Prolog solves for the missing parameter and correctly calculates the result! This is the major difference between traditional languages and a logic language. But (param1, return value, param2) is still not the best way to think about rules, as it breaks down when confronted with something like this:

?- append(List1, List2, [1, 2, 3]).
List1 = [],
List2 = [1, 2, 3] ;
List1 = [1],
List2 = [2, 3] ;
List1 = [1, 2],
List2 = [3] ;
List1 = [1, 2, 3],
List2 = [] ;

Prolog just generated all the possible ways you could combine two lists to make [1, 2, 3]! All this functionality from that tiny definition of append up above!

There’s one more interesting use for append - as a lie-detector:

?- append([1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2, 3]).
?- append([1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]).

All of this comes from the power of unification.


When writing recursive rules in Prolog you really have to make sure to keep thinking in terms of ‘making this statement true’ instead of your typical program execution. One thing that makes it more awkward is that you can’t use return values: every ‘result’ has to be a another parameter. And so you end up with more intermediate variables that have little meaning, as the example below shows.

Since there is no such thing as a for or while loop in Prolog, you end up using recursion a lot, and you will use it more than you need to if you don’t know that Prolog actually does have higher-order functions. This is important so I’m going to say it again: Prolog has higher order functions. They’re just not widely advertised and they’re barely documented. There’s Lee Naish’s paper, Higher Order logic programming in Prolog and there’s also this nice post which gives good examples of maplist and foldr.

The existence of maplist makes a big difference in how many lines of code it takes to write recursive rules in Prolog. Here’s the same recursive function in both Haskell and Prolog. Not being able to use return values makes it more awkward to read, but ultimately it’s actually not too different.


combinations :: [a] -> [[a]]
combinations [x] = [[x]]
combinations (x:xs) = [x] : (map (x :) (combinations xs)) ++ combinations xs


combinations([X], [[X]]).
combinations([X|XS], Result) :- 
    combinations(XS, Comb1), 
    maplist(append([X]), Comb1, Comb2),
    append([[X]], Comb1, Comb3), 
    append(Comb2, Comb3, Result).

I still prefer the Haskell version :)

Full solutions

Here is a nicely formatted version of my solutions to the exercises from Day 2 of Prolog. The home of the following code is on github with the other exercises.


1. Some implementations of a Fibonacci series and factorials. How do they work?
fib(N,F) :- succ(N1,N), succ(N2,N1), fib(N1,F1), fib(N2,F2), plus(F1,F2,F).
First establish the two base cases. Next, create a rule for the recursive case:
  1. Find N-1 and N-2
  2. Find the N-1th fibonacci number
  3. Find the N-2th fibonacci number
  4. Add the N-1th and the N-2th fibonacci number
  5. The result is the Nth fibonacci number
Pretty straightforward!
factorial(X,Y) :-
  X1 is X - 1,
  Y is Z * X,!.
First, establish the base case. Next, create a rule for the recursive case:
  1. Find X - 1
  2. Find the factorial of X - 1
  3. Multiply the result by X
  4. The result is the factorial of X
2. A real-world community using Prolog. What problems are they solving with it today?

Nice SO question about this:

Some companies that use Prolog:

Dr. Dobbs article on this:

3. (optional) What are some of the problems of dealing with "not" expressions? Why do you have to be careful with negation in Prolog?

Negation in Prolog is not logical negation, it is negation as failure. So not(X) doesn't mean that X is false (like ¬X would), it means that X can't be proven true. Something else you have to be careful with is putting negated predicates in the right order. Negation as failure is implemented using the cut and fail predicates. The short story is: negating a predicate can cause subsequent predicates to be ignored.

For a better and more in-depth explanation of cut and negation as failure, I strongly recommend the following links:

  • Negation In Prolog — The author uses the wallace and grommit example from this book to show how assuming logical negation can lead to subtle errors.
  • Negation as failure — A highly readable explanation of how negation as failure really works. Here is one of the opening paragraphs which really helped make it click for me:
As a first step, let's introduce another built in predicate fail/0. As its name suggests, fail is a special symbol that will immediately fail when Prolog encounters it as a goal. That may not sound too useful, but remember: when Prolog fails, it tries to backtrack. Thus fail can be viewed as an instruction to force backtracking. And when used in combination with cut, which blocks backtracking, fail enables us to write some interesting programs, and in particular, it lets us define exceptions to general rules.

If you find you need more background information first, try the page where they introduce cut:


1. Reverse the elements of a list
reverse(A,R) :- reverse(A,[],R).
reverse([X|Y],Z,W) :- reverse(Y,[X|Z],W).
I ended up using an example from a tutorial - even then it still took a bit to make sense to me. The middle accumulation parameter specifically. I'm going to try the problem that the tutorial gives immediately after:

Write a two-parameter version of 'reverse' that does not use the accumulating parameter idea. Use 'append' instead, for example, where one rule would be paraphrased like this ...

reverse list [X|R] by reversing R to get T, then append T to [X]

What about the efficiency of this version? Compare it to the given 'reverse' above.

This is the way I was attempting to do it first as well. It is (probably) less efficient than the first version, because when I append an element to the end of the list it likely has to walk the list each time. Don't know for sure without measuring though.
reverseA([X|R], Result) :- reverse(R, T), append(T, [X], Result).
reverseA([X], X).
2. Find the smallest element of a list
min(A,B,B) :- B < A.
min(A,B,A) :- A < B.

minInList([X|XS], M) :- minInList(XS, M1), min(X, M1, M).
minInList([X], X).
3. Sort the elements of a list.
% I'm just going to go for a very simple sort.

takeout(X, [X|R], R).
takeout(X, [F|R], [F|S]) :- takeout(X,R,S).

mySort(List, [Min|Sorted]) :- 
    minInList(List, Min), 
    takeout(Min, List, Rest), 
    mySort(Rest, Sorted).
mySort([X], [X]).

Next in this series: Day 3 of Prolog

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