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Transposing a matrix in Io

30 Dec 2011

While doing the exercises from Seven Languages In Seven Weeks, I came up with a neat solution to transposing a matrix that was encouraged by Io’s flexibility and free-wheeling nature. Instead of creating a new transposed matrix or attempting a complicated in-place transpose, I did something that executes in O(1), uses a negligible amount of memory, and is very short and simple.

What? How is it possible to transpose a matrix of 1,000,000 elements in the same time it takes to transpose a matrix of 4?

By cheating! I don’t transpose the matrix, I modify the element accessor methods so that they interpret the x parameter as y, and vice versa. To my dismay, I later found that this isn’t a new approach to solving this problem.

However, my implementation in Io still has something going for it. Because of Io’s extreme malleability, I can write my transpose method such that calling it permanently swaps the argument order in the get and set methods of that individual matrix object. In most other languages [1] , writing this kind of fake transpose would require keeping track of state with if statements to check if a given matrix is currently ‘transposed’ or not. This is, conceptually, nonsense: transposing is something you do to matrices, not a property of them.

Io lets you write this fake transpose in a way that is fun, short, and elegant.

The Solution

Here is the problem statement from the book:

Write a transpose method so that (new_matrix get(y, x)) == matrix get(x,y) on the original list

Before we get started, this is what the final solution looks like. Try and become a little familiar with this before we move on (it will all be explained in detail below, don’t worry).

 1 flipFirstTwoArgs := method(slotName,
 2     self getSlot(slotName) setArgumentNames( list(
 3         self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames at(1),
 4         self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames at(0),
 5         self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames rest rest
 6     ) flatten)
 7 )
 9 List2D transpose := method(
10     self get = flipFirstTwoArgs("get")
11     self set = flipFirstTwoArgs("set")
12 )

List2D is a simple matrix prototype from the previous exercise. It is the thing that is being transposed.

The transpose method itself is simple enough: most of the heavy lifting is done in a helper method I created, flipFirstTwoArgs. From its name and the name of its argument, we can tell this method is saying: “give me the name of a slot that holds a method and I will flip the first two arguments of that method”.

Okay. So, how?

The Explanation

The following line of code gets the method we are going to modify and sets the names of its arguments.

Line 2:

    self getSlot(slotName) setArgumentNames( 
        #list of argument names goes here 

For a concrete example, if I just wanted to change the argument names for my “get” method from get(x, y) to get(y, x) I could hardcode in some values and call it like this:

    self getSlot("get") setArgumentNames(
        list("y", "x")

But that wouldn’t quite be fancy enough. I’d rather write a method that would let me swap the first two arguments of any method. So, going back to the snippet above, that’s what the next two lines do:

Lines 3-4:

    self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames at(1),
    self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames at(0),

If I wanted to keep the arguments in the same order I would have put the 0 in the first line, then the 1 in the second line. Make sense so far?

I could have left it here, but then what would happen if I told it to change a method that looked like doSomething(x, y, z)? It would take the argument at position 1, then the argument at position 0. The z would get discarded and that method wouldn’t be very useful anymore. Hence the next line:

Line 5:

    self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames rest rest

rest is Io’s version of cdr or tail. It is a method that returns everything except for the first element of a list. So if you call rest on the result of rest you get a list that has all its elements except for the first two.

Let’s recap. If I call this method we’re defining with my fictitious doSomething(x, y, z) method as the argument, these previous lines would resolve into:

    self getSlot("doSomething") setArgumentNames( list(
    ) )

That’s not quite right, setArgumentNames is expecting a simple flat list, none of this nested list stuff. So let’s flatten the list of argument names before giving it to setArgumentNames.

Line 6:

    ) flatten )

If we apply it to the doSomething example, the code now looks like this:

    self getSlot("doSomething") setArgumentNames( list(
    ) flatten ) 

Which would end up resolving into:

    self getSlot("doSomething") setArgumentNames(
        list("y", "x", "z") 

There, much better. And that explains the last line!


Now, putting back together all the lines I’ve explained, here is the full solution again:

 1 flipFirstTwoArgs := method(slotName,
 2     self getSlot(slotName) setArgumentNames( list(
 3         self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames at(1),
 4         self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames at(0),
 5         self getSlot(slotName) argumentNames rest rest
 6     ) flatten)
 7 )
 9 List2D transpose := method(
10     self get = flipFirstTwoArgs("get")
11     self set = flipFirstTwoArgs("set")
12 )

If I’ve done my job right, it should make a lot more sense this time.

You can find the rest of the code (including the List2D prototype) on github - a good place to start is line 72 of day2.io. To read more I’ve written about solving these exercises, check my project page for Seven Languages in Seven Weeks.


  1. There are exceptions of course. I'm sure any lisp would be great at this, as well as Ruby, Groovy, and other languages with powerful metaprogramming capabilities.
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